DeepRoot Silva Cell®
Tree, Soil and SuDS System
The Silva Cell is a modular suspended pavement system that uses soil volumes to support large tree growth and provide powerful SuDS management.
Contact our UK Office to learn more!
The first trees planted in Silva Cells were planted over 10 years ago. Now more than 20,000 trees are growing in Silva Cells, in over 1,500 projects in 20 countries around the world, and we’re adding more every day.
The Silva Cell is composed of a base, posts, and a deck. Each unit is 1200 mm long x 600 mm wide. The assembled cells transfer paving loads vertically downward to a compacted sub-base through the posts.
“The emphasis on bringing green infrastructure to the city centre was a crucial part of the public realm design. It was also vital that the trees installed were well-established and healthy, and would remain so for the next 20 years or more,”
- Alison Finch of re-form Landscape Architecture.
Installation Guide
In order to help you plan for your Silva Cell 2 installation, we've prepared a detailed video. Watch it to get a better understanding of labour, assembly, equipment, and phasing.
Interested in a CPD presentation?
City of Trees Manchester
City of Trees Manchester installed three trees in a 3 layer Silva Cell system filled with a bioretention soil provided by British Sugar.
Paveable Tree Pit Guard with inside segments type England 2000
Contact us to learn more.
Our Values
We believe in integrating our urban areas with the natural world. Healthy, long-living urban trees are at the core of that effort. Trees touch every part of our lives – from air and water quality, to temperature reduction, flooding, public health, safety, commerce, and property values. These are the foundations of healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities. A drive to enhance them using green infrastructure is behind everything we do.